It's a good thing that we walked everywhere, because my food intake has only gone up. On the bright side, my coke-habit is diminishing. (not by choice, really)
The foodie in me is out in full force on this trip, and we haven't even hit the all-you-can-eat boat food. We were looking for a place to eat while on the electric trolley. Mom said wherever I wanted to eat. My little eyes spotted a bread company, and I hastily got us off the trolley and made a b-line to Boudin's.
The chocolate food group is also meeting it's daily servings. The picture makes this sundae look really small. We've been splitting meals in order to sample more and eat more often. It's been working like a charm, a real smorgasbord.
We leave the continental U.S. tomorrow. Onward to the land of Lost.